PostgreSQL 8.1.3 behebt zwei Sicherheitslücken


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ID: CB-K06/0162
Titel: Neue Version von PostgreSQL behebt zwei Schwachstellen
Datum: 15.02.2006
Software: PostgreSQL
Version: < 8.1.3
Plattform: Alle unterstuetzten Plattformen
Auswirkung: Privilegieneskalation
Remoteangriff: Ja
Risiko: hoch
Bezug: <>> >


In der Datenbank PostgreSQL wurden mit Erscheinen der neuen Version
8.1.3 u.a. zwei Schwachstellen behoben:

o Privilegieneskalation: ein angemeldetere Benutzer kann durch einen
Fehler in der ‘SET ROLE’-Funktion Administrator-Rechte erlangen.
o Denial-of-Service: eine nicht weiter beschriebene Schwachstelle
erlaubt einem entfernten Angreifer die Anwendung zum Absturz zu
bringen. Dies setzt voraus, dass PostgreSQL mit der Option ‘Asserts’
kompiliert wurde (kein Standard-Parameter).

[1] <>> >
[2] <>> >
[3] <>> >

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cu tb

hier noch das change-log:

* Fix bug that allowed any logged-in user to "SET ROLE" to any other
  database user id (CVE-2006-0553)
  Due to inadequate validity checking, a user could exploit the
  special case that "SET ROLE" normally uses to restore the previous
  role setting after an error. This allowed ordinary users to acquire
  superuser status, for example. The escalation-of-privilege risk
  exists only in 8.1.0-8.1.2. However, in all releases back to 7.3
  there is a related bug in "SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION" that allows
  unprivileged users to crash the server, if it has been compiled
  with Asserts enabled (which is not the default). Thanks to Akio
  Ishida for reporting this problem.
* Fix bug with row visibility logic in self-inserted rows (Tom)
  Under rare circumstances a row inserted by the current command
  could be seen as already valid, when it should not be. Repairs bug
  created in 8.0.4, 7.4.9, and 7.3.11 releases.
* Fix race condition that could lead to "file already exists" errors
  during pg_clog and pg_subtrans file creation (Tom)
* Fix cases that could lead to crashes if a cache-invalidation
  message arrives at just the wrong time (Tom)
* Properly check DOMAIN constraints for UNKNOWN parameters in
  prepared statements (Neil)
* Ensure "ALTER COLUMN TYPE" will process FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, and
  PRIMARY KEY constraints in the proper order (Nakano Yoshihisa)
* Fixes to allow restoring dumps that have cross-schema references to
  custom operators or operator classes (Tom)
* Allow pg_restore to continue properly after a "COPY" failure;
  formerly it tried to treat the remaining "COPY" data as SQL
  commands (Stephen Frost)
* Fix pg_ctl unregister crash when the data directory is not
  specified (Magnus)
* Fix libpq PQprint HTML tags (Christoph Zwerschke)
* Fix ecpg crash on AMD64 and PPC (Neil)
* Allow SETOF and %TYPE to be used together in function result type
* Recover properly if error occurs during argument passing in
  PL/python (Neil)
* Fix memory leak in plperl_return_next (Neil)
* Fix PL/perl's handling of locales on Win32 to match the backend
* Various optimizer fixes (Tom)
* Fix crash when log_min_messages is set to DEBUG3 or above in
  "postgresql.conf" on Win32 (Bruce)
* Fix pgxs -L library path specification for Win32, Cygwin, OS X, AIX
* Check that SID is enabled while checking for Win32 admin privileges
* Properly reject out-of-range date inputs (Kris Jurka)
* Portability fix for testing presence of finite and isinf during
  configure (Tom)
* Improve speed of "COPY IN" via libpq, by avoiding a kernel call per
  data line (Alon Goldshuv)
* Improve speed of "/contrib/tsearch2" index creation (Teodor)

cu tb